Select your square or squares at $50 each. You must be 18 to participate. Then, enter your information and pay by credit card. The box score numbers will be randomly computer-generated and posted by 11:00 am on February 08, 2025. For questions, please contact Pat Patusky at Entrants will be notified by email when the numbers are posted.
On game day, squares having the last digit for each team at the end of each quarter wins. Winners will be determined at the end of the 1st quarter ($500), 2nd quarter ($500), 3rd quarter ($500), and Final Game score ($1000). Winning Squares not purchased, the winnings will go to the charitable projects.
Ticket holders also do not need to watch the Superbowl to win. The odds of winning remain the same for each ticket. Each winner will be notified via email on February 09, 2025.
The Stratford Rotary Club organizes the Super Bowl Pool to support charitable projects such as Scholarships, Lord's Kitchen, mental health initiatives, local Food Bank, turkey distribution, student programs, and other food insecurities. At the same time, participating in the pool will be an enjoyable experience for all.
Details of how the game is played
After each, 100 tickets are purchased in the 10X10 grid. We will then randomly assign the numbers 0 through 9 to each column and each row so that each square will correspond to a random pair of numbers (2 and 6, 4 and 3, 6 and 0, etc.). Each square represents a specific score in the game based on the column and row numbers, with the rows representing the last digit of the AFC football team score and the columns representing the last digit of the NFC football team score.
After assigning the ticket holders to the grid and the numbers to the columns/rows, we will distribute to all ticket holders their respective numbers (one day before the game) so they can have fun watching the Super Bowl and rooting for the teams to score the right number of points.
A winner is determined by the respective scores of the two teams in the Super Bowl. The winner is determined by looking at the last number in each team's score, then matching those numbers on the grid and seeing which square intersects those two numbers. An example would be if the score at the end of the game were 23 for Team A and 14 for Team B. The last number for team A is 3, and the last number for team B is 4. The winner would then be the person with the numbers (3,4), in that order (not 4,3).
Each raffle ticket purchaser will have exactly the same probability of winning as every other participant. There is absolutely no skill involved in winning since the numbers (score combinations) are randomly assigned.
We will have 4 total winners for every 100 tickets purchased. Winners will be determined at the end of the 1st quarter ($500), 2nd quarter ($500), 3rd quarter ($500), and Final Game score ($1000). Therefore, 50% of the total ticket sales ($5000 for each completed grid) will be distributed as winnings, and 100% of the remaining funds will go directly to Stratford's Rotary Club Charitable Projects such as the local Food Bank, Lord's Kitchen, Turkeys Distribution, student programs, and other food insecurities. Winning Squares not purchased, the winnings will go to the charitable projects.