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Conference And Event Management Software: A Must for Large-Scale Events

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As an event organizer, one thing you've probably learned from planning your first large in-person event is that the devil is in the details. When juggling multiple tasks and keeping up with ever-changing plans, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. This is where conference and event management software comes into play.

Leveraging the power of this technology can transform your event planning process, streamline your workflows, and result in a successful event that leaves your attendees impressed and engaged.

event attendees and exhibitors networking at trade show

The Complexity of Managing Large-Scale Events

When organizing large-scale events, you're juggling various complex tasks such as event registration, ticketing, scheduling, attendee management, event marketing, and more. The intricacies are vast, with layers of responsibilities requiring utmost precision and attention to detail. Throw in hybrid events that mix in-person and online attendees, and the task can seem daunting!

That's where cloud-based software like Accelevents steps in, allowing you to easily manage in-person, virtual, and hybrid events at scale, all from one intuitive and user-friendly interface. As you streamline the event planning process, you'll regain time to focus more on creating an unforgettable event experience and less on logistics.

registrants lining up at event ticketing booth for a last-minute registration and check-in

The Benefits Of Conference Event Management Software

Conference management software supports event organizers

To give you a glimpse of how conference event management software can simplify your complex event planning process, let's dive into some of the key features:

Event Marketing: With pre-designed templates that can be easily customized, conference event management software allows event organizers to create beautiful, fully branded event pages that attract and convert visitors. Additionally, organizers can craft effective email marketing campaigns to promote their event and invite potential attendees.

Attendee Registration: Event organizers can efficiently gather attendee information with custom registration forms. Tailored workflows, supported by conditional logic, simplify RSVP management, while real-time analytics provide insights into online registration numbers.

Ticketing: Organizers can easily manage ticket sales, payment processing, and invoicing. This eliminates the need for separate ticketing systems and ensures a seamless ticketing experience for organizers and attendees.

Agenda Management: Conference event management software simplifies agenda management for event planners and attendees. Planners can easily create and manage event agendas that include multiple tracks, sessions, and speaker bios. Attendees can bookmark sessions they're interested in and build personalized agendas to make the most of their event experience.

Scheduling: Organizers can easily create and update the event schedule, share real-time updates with attendees, and ensure everyone is on the same page throughout the event.

Sponsorship Management: Conference event management software typically offers sponsor management tools and various promotional opportunities for sponsors. Organizers can showcase sponsors on event websites, mobile apps, and within the agenda. The software facilitates seamless communication and collaboration with sponsors, while powerful analytics provide insights on sponsorship ROI.

Mobile Event Apps: Conference event management software often includes mobile apps that cater to different user groups. Event planners can manage their events on the go, tracking registrations, checking in attendees, and even printing badges from their mobile devices. Attendees can use the mobile app to to view event details, build custom agendas, navigate the venue, network with fellow attendees, and receive important event updates. Exhibitors can leverage the app to connect with attendees, manage leads, and drive sales success.

White-Labeling: To enhance branding and provide a cohesive experience, comprehensive event management software typically supports white-labeled events. Organizers can create custom event websites and align the event branding with their organization's identity. This extends the brand experience to every touchpoint of the event.

Data Analytics: Tracking event success is essential. Conference event management software offers powerful analytics to measure event registration, event attendance, attendee engagement, and overall ROI. These metrics help event planners make informed decisions and improve future events.

Integrations: Conference event management software offers varying levels of integration with popular CRM and marketing automation software such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo. This streamlines data analysis, lead follow-up, and project management, ensuring a seamless flow of information between systems. Additionally, the software may offer flexibility to connect with apps via Zapier or to create custom API integrations.

Conference management software enhances the attendee experience

Conference event management software isn't just about making the organizers' lives easier. It's designed to enhance the event experience for attendees too. By making registration, check-in, and ticketing processes smooth and hassle-free, attendees can focus on the event itself.

Conference management software platforms that offer a mobile app further enhance the event experience, allowing attendees to stay in the know with real-time notifications and interactive floor plans.

Conference management software unifies your data flow

Event management software is designed to integrate with your existing CRM systems, marketing tools, and social media platforms. This provides a more streamlined event management solution that unifies your data flow and, by extension, your event planning process, making it more efficient and less fragmented.

Moreover, with conference management tools in place, your event data will become a source of data enrichment that gives you a better picture of your audience.

businessmen and women gathering in event hall of annual conference

How to Choose the Right Conference Event Management Software For Your Flagship Conference

Consider several factors when selecting the ideal conference event management software for your needs. These factors apply regardless of the scale of your event, ensuring that you make an informed decision.

  1. Functionality: Determine whether the event management system supports your specific use case reliably and efficiently. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
    • Are you planning an onsite, hybrid, or online event?
    • Do you need a virtual event platform with live streaming tools?
    • Will you host one large conference, or will the software be used to host other types of events, such as trade shows, seminars, fundraisers, or webinars?
    • Do you need a comprehensive, all-in-one event management solution that handles every step of the event lifecycle or just online event registration software?
  2. Attendee Experience: Evaluate how the event technology will enhance the attendee experience. Look for features that streamline registration, ticketing, check-in, and badge printing for seamless event access. Then, ensure you can leverage powerful engagement tools like gamification, AI-powered networking, a meeting scheduler, and a mobile event app for larger onsite events.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Determine how the event management tools will integrate into your existing data stack. Seamless data flow between different tools and platforms is crucial for efficient event management and data analysis. Look for software solutions that offer robust integration capabilities with CRM platforms and marketing automation tools.
  4. Customer Support: Check the level of customer support the software provider offers. Look for a company with a reputation for excellent customer service and responsive support. Award-winning platforms like Accelevents are recognized for their commitment to customer satisfaction.
  5. Budget and Return on Investment: Assess the pricing packages offered by each event planning software solution, considering factors like event format, size, and duration. Evaluate the cost of your chosen plan and the return on investment it provides. Balancing your budget is important, on the other hand, investing in a robust and dependable event management platform can yield long-term time and resource savings.

For larger events, there are additional considerations:

  1. Server Capacity: Evaluate the event platform's server capacity to determine if it can handle the simultaneous participation of tens of thousands of attendees. Robust server infrastructure ensures a smooth, uninterrupted event experience for all participants. Inquire about the platform's server capabilities, network infrastructure, and bandwidth to ensure they can handle the demands of a large event. Ideally, choose software has a proven track record of handling large events successfully and can handle the anticipated attendee traffic without compromising the user experience.
  2. Data Security: Large events involve handling substantial amounts of event attendee information, so it's essential to prioritize data security and privacy. Verify that the event management software adheres to enterprise-grade data security standards to protect the sensitive information of your attendees. Look for features such as encryption, secure data storage, access controls, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.
  3. Premium Support and Onboarding: Large events often require additional support from the event management software provider. Look for providers that offer dedicated account managers, comprehensive training resources, and 24/7 support during critical event periods. Additionally, ensure the quality of onboarding services provided to your team members is top-notch.
  4. Customization and Flexibility: When it comes to event workflows, large events may have unique requirements. Assess the customization options and flexibility of the event management software accordingly. Can the software be tailored to meet the specific needs of your event? Look for features such as a customizable registration process, extensive branding opportunities, and flexible reporting tools. The software should adapt to your event's unique structure and allow for seamless integration with your existing systems.

By carefully evaluating each of these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the best conference event management software for your event.

female event executive on iPad about to start her presentation at an industry conference

The Future of Large-Scale Event Management

The future of large-scale event management is shaped by emerging trends and evolving attendee expectations. To stay ahead in this dynamic landscape, conference event management software needs to adapt and embrace these industry predictions:

  • Hybrid Events: As more and more organizations add a virtual layer to their in-person event, managing in-person and virtual components within a single platform becomes essential.
  • Personalization: Attendees crave personalized experiences. Conference management software that can tailor event paths and content based on user preferences is in high demand.
  • Social Media Integration: Social media is crucial in event promotion and engagement. Conference management software that integrates social sharing and enables social conversations in a centralized space is gaining traction.
  • Mobile Apps: Attendees expect convenient access to event information, in-app messaging, and meeting scheduling tools on their mobile devices.

As the event landscape evolves, conference event management software must embrace these trends to deliver exceptional experiences for large-scale events.

Accelevents: A Leading Event Management Software For The Enterprise Segment

As we have seen, a streamlined, efficient, and integrated event planning process for large-scale events can make the lives of event planners and attendees simpler and more enjoyable.

The conference management software market is filled with competing solutions like Accelevents, Bizzabo, Cvent, Whova, and Eventbrite, each offering varying levels of functionality. Therefore, it's essential to spend some time researching the differences and choosing the right solution for your flagship events.

Here's what sets us apart: Choosing Accelevents’ conference event management software means you get enterprise-grade, user-friendly tools backed by a team of experienced event professionals dedicated to your success.

We invite you to book a demo today today to see how Accelevents can streamline your event planning process. We're confident you'll be satisfied!

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