visual of successful event hosted on an enterprise-level event management platform with event planning and event marketing features


Facebook Pixel

Get rich insights from the event landing page interactions with Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel

About Facebook pixel

This can be a helpful tool to understand the different stages of the ticket buying process for your event. Once you understand the different stages of the buying process, you can learn where you may be losing potential ticket sales and why those ticket buyers are not completing the purchase process.  

Common events that can be tracked using the Facebook pixel specific to a ticketed event include:

  • User lands on the ticket checkout page - PageView
  • User adds a ticket or tickets to their cart- AddToCart
  • User creates an order. This is after selecting tickets and moving to the Buyer Info stage in the checkout flow - InitiateCheckout
  • User enters payment details - AddPaymentInfo
  • User completes an order - Purchase (this includes the order amount and currency)
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